Month: April 2016

The Novelty: Canonic Mathematics and Mobile Computing Platforms – an Observation

In looking at one of the many mathematically focused games on the Android platform  – King of Math, namely – I was running through a couple of the pop-quiz questions that the game presents under a label of Statistics, but in such that at least some of the quiz questions are rather focused about concepts of mathematical ratios as expressed in decimal percentage expressions. As previously a student of “High School Math,” circa the 1990’s at one public school, I had hoped that the quiz game might present any manner of quiz questions as with regards to statistical permutationscombinatorics, and mathematical probability calculations – perhaps anything like as such that myself and my fellow students had studied, during the “High School Math” course that we had attended, circa the 1990s in public school systems.  The course, at least, had addressed such concepts – explaining such concepts as for any manner of a mathematical mechanics of calculations onto concepts of mathematical permutationscombinatorics, and mathematical probability, such that we the students were to learn how to “Do,” ourselves. Of course, the course was conducted in a standard format – the teacher illustrating how to do the math, and we as the students likewise watching the lecture and participating in the teacher’s question sessions, then subsequently doing each our own homework and completing the canonic quizzes of the course.

Of course, to those of us who may not have thought that the mathematical content of the course was too deeply involving, our conversations during the subsequent class activity sessions may’ve included conversations – albeit, naively in regards – questions such as: What would it be like to hold a volume of matter as dense as the sun or of a density approaching the theoretical density of a black hole, but to hold such a mass as on a surface of an object as small as a teaspoon? We also did the homework and the quizzes, and continued – each of us individually, after high school – continuing on to nothing whatsoever like any careers in theoretical physics.

So, I am at least topically familiar with some topics of statistical mathematics. As my being – informally – a student of some of the perhaps more philosophical schools of thought, in contemporary academia, I am also personally familiar with some concepts of Definitions of concepts – broadly, epistemology, however represented in systems of knowledge representation, ontologies, taxonomies, description logics, first order logics, predicate logics, propositional logics, and any number of programming langauges’ own structurally unique syntaxes. In a manner of a short synopsis about such epistemic systems: That a definition of Concept is a concept, itself – but, of course, there must be any manner of a resource that would define a Concept, as in order for a Concept to be defined, if not known as a concept in any manner of a context.

Thus, though it may not seem to be deeply addressed of the contemporary academia, a concept: Canonical Knowledge occurs – as in regards to any manner of episetmic systems comprised principally of definitions of concepts.

So, in that regards, I began to wonder: Where is one to define a canonic sense of mathematical concepts, to an extent inasmuch as that one may understand such concepts oneself and may be able to refer bibliographically to any manner of a canonical reference about such concepts? Where is one to “Glue together” so many mathematical concepts as may be presented in so many, many mathematical textbooks, and it include a bibliography too? Would it be suitable to a format of a Wiki? Could it instead be addressed onto the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) and thus published centrally of any “known” authors? and but, how much of a veritable firestorm may it create of Academia, to presume to develop any manner of a canonic reference about mathematics and it not hearken from any single, canonical school of mathematics? Might one at least begin at an unpresumptuous beginning: To define a concept of how a Concept may be denoted as canonical to any single resource? and it not be to “Yet another ontology,” alone?

For instance, my own perspective about simple mathematical procedures of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division is canonical to the Elementary School course where we were literally drilled about small applications of such mathematical concepts, weekly – as was in completing such topically simple mathematical expressions at magnitudes of integers lesser than or equal to 12, in repeated successions of intervals of time-limited durations, similarly in completing the assignments presented to us in an individual manner in the course, of each timed math quiz session. Thus, personally, I don’t find a lot of joy about such simple mathematical procedures, per se.
Of course, that I don’t personally regard a numeric ratio as it being principally a topic of statistics – returning to the matter of a cute math game, this week – candidly, I was then much annoyed in my own “User Experience” of an  otherwise novel and very well illustrated math quiz game, King of Math

Having ventured, more recently, to search for any more of kinds of mathematics games on the Android platform, I’ve found a few more of mathematical games for Android, but – candidly – I am not all sure if it may appeal to the common readership, even in any context of science, engineering, finance, or other contemporarily canonical technical field. let alone to actually find it to be an entertaining exercise to do the math, in all of a capitally competitive and whatsoever capitally endowed world.


So, but there are some fun maths games on Android – the novelty?

On Small Profit Indicators and Long-Term Analysis – Profiting with Ethereum at Kraken

FOREX may have a holiday on the weekends, but in reflecting about a previous week’s trends, analysis may certainly not have any such holiday.

Not as though to indulge the whimsy of any passing Unicorns or of the Bitcoin community’s latently centralized empires of the early adopter’s mining megaliths, for all of the slow-moving trends and overall limited volumes being bought and sold in the Bitcoin and altcoin exchanges of the Modern Web, daily, a short practice in day trading with Bitcoin may serve to make for an interesting manner of profit indicator. To such an effect, the thesis of profiting in Bitcoin day trading – though to a very small net profit – may be reinforced with a literal proof of profit, as to which one presents another thesis: On following a “Down Trend” in the Kraken ETHXBT exchange, to a net profit in ETH Volume

It is no secretive kind of a system denoted in that article. Rather, it is a simple algebraic inversion of a strategy of “Buy Low, Sell High,” factored onto the trend of an exchange momentarily favoring the Base Currency of a currency pair – in which, the currency pair is ETHXBT i.e Ethereum and Bitcoin, and the Base Currency therefore, Ethereum. Though the “Down trend” in the market does not immediately favor a volume of Ethereum juxtaposed to a volume of Bitcoin, but in following the trend with a series of subsequent tades, it may serve to net a profit overall in accumulation of a greater volume of Ethereum altcoin – even so far a that it ultimately serves as a profit in a single reserve currency.

The ETHXBT exchange being one of the more liquid exchanges at Kraken, but of course – in the peculiar characteristics of the Bitcoin and altcoin exchanges – it may not be terribly easy to illustrate any quick and hugely profitable manner of a profit indicator with those exchanges, sufficient to indulge the no-doubt many of us looking for quick and hugely profitable investments, hypothetically.

That a profit of approximately $2 is a profit nonetheless, a simple system to such an effect is illustrated in the article – as linked-to in the previous. It is, ostensibly, a successful system, thus – as it gains a net profit to a manner of not any ethical or material loss – of course it might seem like a greater profit if more volume was invested immediately, but – then again – if more of a volume had been invested, immediately, then in the particular dyamics of that singular exchange, the trade pattern may not ever have advanced at all, not even to a net of $2 profit.

Contrasted to any manner of a broker’s leverage as may be available for trades posted in a FOREX exchange, any trades made in the Bitcoin and altcoin exchanges may be made without a calculable leverage, such that – ostensibly – if a leverage option was available, it might otherwise serve to “Level the playing field” as for entry by low-volume investors in a market then materially shared with high-volume investors and not at any loss to either scale of investment, then. At some point in time, however, Kraken had stopped offering any option for leverage as an option on bids — and thus, we are all left with a 1:1 leverage ratio. We must therefore all contend at a 1:1 scale  with all of the market-clogging large volumes levied at singular price-points on the Bitcoin and altcoin markets.

Regardless, it may be theoretically possible to turn a profit in trading in the Bitcoin and altcoin markets anyway. It may be theoretically possible, but a profit indicator as such might not be able to advance at any more than a one tenth of glacial pace.One may credit, mostly, the — as previously denoted — the market-clogging large volumes levied at singular price-points on the market.

As may be logically and algebraically illustrated of a history of  market exchanges at Kraken, when the market rate is advancing along  as would be under any singular market trend – such as towards an immediate favor of volumes in Bitcoin, in the ETHXBT market’s latest trend – the trend ceases to progress forward by any appreciable magnitude, when the market exchanges must first buy or sell off a large volume of Bitcoin, e.g. at a scale of 1000 or more Bitcoin invested alongside volumes of e.g 0.5 Bitcoin at any single price point.

That even as a slow-going trend it is certainly to a learning experience, the profit of $2 might not seem completely matched by one’s greater understanding about the singular market, then. In short, the absence of any system of leverage for bids, such that  – if it was available and implemented well – could serve to “Level the playing field”  for all investors, the absence of any such leveraging system … it is just as it is?

Of course, then, although the FOREX exchanges are always closed for the weekend, but so far as the week’s previous market data in FOREX, itself, may be available via any single trading platform – e.g the boldly if not intoxicatingly overwhelming MetaTrader platform (MT4) (MT5) …. and its nonetheless intriguing, if not in all ways immediately simplistic MQL (MQL4) (MQL5) programming language – both of which may available with most brokers on FOREX … thus, the analysis need not take a holiday.

The simple, algebraic logic of a system might ever seem obscured for its description, perhaps? If so, but perhaps a further proof may serve to illustrate how an algebraic inversion of “Buy Low, Sell High” and a $2 profit has become – in all ways already – quite a profound learning experience, after all.

Zombies, Sparks, and Computer Failure Diagnosis – a North-of-Hollywood Tale

For all of the manual pages, handbooks, HOWTOs, RFCs, tutorials, and op-ed manuscripts that I’ve read, about UNIX operating systems and “Known good” applications of UNIX operating systems – as across a short and canonically informal study of such technical concepts – I don’t recall having ever seen a single article about system diagnostics. The topic occurred to my own simple consideration, one evening in a chat channel, when one of the correspondents in the chat channel was commenting about a difficulty he was encountering in an application of a FreeBSD operating system, a difficulty about which he was seeking some of the good-old free and open source technical support.

Considering the comprehensive nature of the FreeBSD Handbook – such that, in any depth of study, the Handbook may be accompanied with a study of the manual pages of shell command line applications denoted in the Handbook – moreover, considering albeit in a broad way the abstract library of books written about FreeBSD, and the further depths of detailed knowledge provided of such veritable tomes of non-arbitrary writing, I don’ t believe there is any sort of a vacuum in documentation about FreeBSD. Perhaps not a lot of the documentation would appeal to any great sense of immediate convenience, however.

If it may perhaps seem like a niche concern, socially, to develop any manner of formal documentation about diagnosing an application of a FreeBSD operating system, of course there may be any times when – by whatever convergence of cosmic rays, etc. – times when an application of a FreeBSD operating system – broadly, when any computer operating system may not be performing in all ways as may be hoped or assumed, and the divergence between the “Observed results” and the “Ideal results” of a magnitude that may serve to require some consideration.

More simply so, there may be times when any single application is “Not Working Out,” such that the state of it “Not Working Out” would be realized with any number of additional events, such as:

  • Error messages that may have been printed to a console stream – whether printed to the standard output stream or standard error stream, as both being typically available in UNIX applications
  • Log data that may have been printed to any one of the System Log files
  • Sparks that may have been flying out of any unexpected locations in the computer enclosure
  • Zombies that may have been crawling out from under the floorboards
  • Movie directors that may have been writing the Next Big Blockbuster, about it all

Whether or not it may seem immediately clear, as for how any such  events may be occurring in a known cosmos, and in such that the issue could then be further diagnosed to its causes, but at least the error messages and the log data may be reproducible, in many instances. Sometimes, of course, there may be the even more exceptional instances – such as, in which the zombies might be crawling in from the rafters, the Movie directors instead becoming situated under the floorboards, and neither a console error message or a log message being emitted about whatever the computer is doing, at the time.

So, on a good day – or, at least, a moderately good day, but in such as would be interrupted by any number of unexpected failures in a software system, among all of a life’s events – in so much us a lukewarmly good day, so, it might seem as if all the rigorous diagnosis work was some kind of a mundane task? When the Zombies and the Directors arrive, so to speak, “All bets are off.”

Until such time – and in so far as that a computer implements a manner of a finite state machine such that may be logically observed for all of its systematic behaviors – then when any of those same behaviors would comprise, logically, systematic failures, likewise the finite system of it can be diagnosed logically as to why the systematic failures of it would be occurring – all the more easily so, when any error messages and any log data produced of the failure or failures would be available for the diagnosis.

Sure, in the long and the short of it, it might not make a topic for any exactly patented kind of an approach to Solutions Building. If it may not make a topic for any great sort of a voluminous reference manuscript, furthermore, but the work of diagnosing an unexpectedly failing computer system – in all of the innate, perhaps necessary simplicity of it – a diagnosis may be developed, itself, as a diagnosis about such a manner of a state of a computer system. That is to say, when a computer system is in any manner of a very broad “Does Not Work” state  there may be some very simple procedures, such as denoted in the previous.

Leaving out the Zombies, the sparks, and the Movie directors momentarily:

  • Console Messages
  • Log Data

Those very simple things can be of an immeasurable value when diagnosing a computer software failure.

A Short Thesis About Trend Analysis

Having taken up a manner of a hands-on study of trading practices, in studying about the Kraken Bitcoin/altcoin exchange, and lately diversifying my own attentions also onto a domain of FOREX exchanges, it’s proving to be a nice diversion aside to the limited canon of the scholastic fare of my own immediate studies. As I am certain that there may be any number of numeric methods that may serve to be of any notable relevance for numeric and semantic analysis of exchange trends, and the immediate trends of a Kraken or FOREX currency pair exchange may not seem in any ways immediately easy for anyone to politicize in any regards – moreover, that any number of trade offers may be posted to any such exchange, ideally to a real, ethically cogent, and capital profit in the transaction – I believe that it may represent something close to an ideal setting for succeeding in capital transactions, but – of course – beside the convenience of so many web services, yet it may not seem in all ways an instantly accessible thing to succeed at day trading, whether with Kraken or with any single broker at FOREX.

Not as though to mix up the academia of applications of numeric methods in practcices of electrical engineering and of statistical methods in practices of currency trading, theoretically the dynamic and socially responsive nature of currency exchange rates – though not in so far like a physical electrical signal – an exchange rate under any single currency pair – in any single broker or exchange – the singular rate represents, to a perspective, a quantity that changes over a duration of time.

Of course, the manner in which a currency rate changes over time – as whether to any manner of a remarkable “Up Trend” or “Down Trend” of any single currency when traded immediately to any single other currency – the hypothetical trend may seem to differ, to an extent, depending on the scale of durations of time at which the respective market rate is calculated..

Adopting a thesis of that a linear trend line as r = mt + b is reified of an exchange rate when any three or more coordinates of time and rate as (t, r) are “On” the same trend line, and that the slope of the linear trend line – i.e the value of m in the formula – that the slope of a trend line, as such, may be interpreted as representing a trend across the duration and scale of the graph of r = mt + b … but the concept of scale, as such, may not seem to occur naturally of the continuous geometric model.

In a sense, such manner of scale would be semantically analogous to a sampling rate in a telemetry analysis about a physical electrical system. Assuming that the numeric magnitude of an exchange rate is changing continuously across exchange transactions, in a duration¹ of an exchange’s forward progress, in that regards: The magnitude of an exchange rate might then be represented as it being analogous to the magnitude of voltage, current, inductance, or other physically measurable or mathematically calculable quantity of a closed loop electrical system.

That any manner of a measure of a quantity of a time-varying manitude – that a measured or calculated magnitude, thus in an abstract sense, may represent a numeric datum to a numeric analysis, but – of course – there may be some principally material differences as to the nature of each measurement system of which the respective datum is produced.

Thus, in a model of numeric analysis of trends of rates, in any principally algebraic and/or geometric model, the model and the analysis itself may not be completely removed of the measurement system by which the data is calculated to the model. Assuming that an exchange rate would be calculated in all of a materially accurate regards, and with no lengthy criticism as across the analogy about electrical systems, this short thesis article will presently return to a topic of sampling rates.

It may be, in short, to a simple synopsis about the meaning of different scales in graphs about exchange rates, viz a viz OANDA fxTrade for Android

The respective graphs differ on a basis as of the sampling rate for the graphing of the exchange rate data, in each respective graph. All three of the graphs are from the same approximate instant of time – i.e at approximately 6:50 in the morning, in local wall clock time. All three of the graphs are consistent at scale – each graph being developed onto a progressively differing duration of magnitude of sample rate, for modeling of changes in the magnitude of the same market rate onto the single currency pair, in the example – however, the three graphs may seem to differ visually, in any immediate view.

Thus, without delving too deeply into a mathematical analysis of the respective graphs, perhaps this simple example may serve to illustrate an intuitive thesis as in regards to the relevance of magnitude of sample rate in graphs for trend analysis.



  1. thus, towards a discussion of the by-in-large slow-moving dynamics of exchange rates at Kraken, so far as that any one the exchanges may not be seeing a lot of volume being transferred in any short time. Candidly, such slow-moving exchanges may not allow for any lot of a quick turnover to a capital profit in the exchange, but – in consideration – perhaps it may serve as something of an introduction to a simple mechanics of trading in a capital exchange.

Of Memes, Conspiracies, and Countless Unknown Controversies, aside the “Student Debt Blues”

That the author of this article is feeling the “Student Debt Blues,” much as many other students may, but it’s not such a topic as the author may in any ways propose to make a “Group Sing” of. There are other, far warmer hymns that may be selected for caroling, via a viz Kumbaya“. What of the benefits of school, though?

That ostensibly, any school upholds – to any extent – a manner of an effective social contract as to convey any manner of knowledge over any duration of time applied in study, but one might wonder what manners of knowledge the contemporary academia yet deigns to convey of its institutions?

In proposing such questions, one might adopt a manner of a slow-going style of writing, lest the question be rushed to an inaccurate conclusion despite the discernible facts of the matter. If the resources of academia are or may be ever misappropriated for any single political agenda’s own private social engineering, it might become too easily to a narrow-going conspiracy theory. The development of such a thing – were it to be known to occur – and the analysis of proceedings in the development of such a state, in any logical manner of an approach to the provenance of it, it may not be so immediately arrived at – as not nearly as quickly as the inevitable “Instant Meme.”

Not as if to trivialize the nature of the Internet – in as that the Internet represents, in a real sense, a global and publicly accessible communications media – surely it’s not all for creating a “Meme-ography” of all the history of the world? The inevitable cliches of memes – those may ultimately serve as as disservice to scholastic sense, really, oversimplifying not only the information content of matters but also oversimplifying any interpretation of information content – so far as that there may be any manner of an information content discernible of any manner of media, moreover of all the media that may be publicly and privately accessible to any manner of an erstwhile Meme-consuming audience and “The Rest of the World,” too. That the Internet, as a communications media, does not occupy any manner of an island as if expressly unto itself – there are books, and there are books in print, among all kinds of the media of the world, including all of books in electronic and print formats, those known and those ostensibly yet to be discovered in all of contemporary and historic media.

So, of media resources alone, there may be any number of relevant activities that a person may elect as to to address oneself to, personally, other than to produce any more of the convenient, ostensibly “Cute,” and altogether oversimplified Memes. The cryptic memes, one may propose, may be all the more interesting for all of that “Broader Knowledge,” in the very real world.

If there may be a manner of any singular sense of Culture ever discerned of a media of Memes, perhaps it does not all derive directly to the Meme-tastic Soirees of the Dada arts regime in post-WWI Europe and New York City and their frontal maneuvers with regards to the Advertising of the early Consumerism. In and/or beyond any approaches to a gamification of the arts – as if – the real works of the Dada, as Artists, may also be available as “Known Objects,” in all of the information content of all the material world. There might be any number of a few biographies found about the Dada, also – ostensibly, available to the public in libraries developed about and in bookstores developed of Museums.

Thus, there may be a thesis of the nature of archival studies, in a manner of semantic correlation among Museums and Libraries. All of the modern shelves of modern products might not be made any less special for it – there are books about commercial mass production systems, also, and the very nature of commercial-industrial Control Theory. At that. a caution may be presented as to not mix it up too quickly with theories of and about Social Engineering, in the very real world.

Once beginning to address the theoretical foundations of a matter, it might seem unfair to simply skip out of it to produce any simplistic manner of technical discussion – simplistic, surely, juxtaposed to all the Bigger Picture and all the broader sky.

How, then, to begin to address a topic about Day Trading with Shares of any two or more of Currency and/or Capital kinds – aside to a topic about any number of tools and instruments as have been designed, developed, and applied of industrial telemetry, principally in systems of commercial mass production, in material manufacturing? Even at a correlation of switching theory, the material systems of industry may not become any more materially approximate to the social ramifications of economic systems.

For all of any manner of oversimplifications developed of Conspiracies and of Theories ostensibly about Conspiracies, a Grain of Salt.

“The Story So Far” – Commercialization of Academia Considered Harmful, or Leaping by Small Increments

As formerly a student of a certain for-profit School type institution – such that the unnamed School is ostensibly not all like Trump University – the author of this article has studied, to albeit a very limited depth, has studied about some numbers of concepts  that may be canonically correlated to a school of thought as with regards to the mathematics, sciences, and applications – applications primarily in a manner of material engineering – as with regards to physics, logic, and mathematical and philosophical domains corresponding to both. Furthermore, the author has been effectively made to study about a single company’s computer networking products, under that same for-profit Schools’ Electronics and Computing Technology program. The school, itself, mostly teaches a very superficial view of everything beyond the barest rudiments of electrical sciences and discrete logical computing – from there, the school focusing about singular products of singular companies, namely National Instruments LabVIEW and Cisco routers.

In studying, always, beyond the depth of material presented of the for-profit School, a such the author of this article understands that LabVIEW – as a graphical programming language – in a manner of abstraction, that LabVIEW represents a manner of a data flow programming language — and nearly, a manner or a graphical model for programming of software and modular digital telemetry systems, using a manner of a strongly typed language whose implementation much resembles a sort of finite state machine language. Albeit, in LabVIEW, each node is represented as a virtual instrument.

Of course, as the author of this article being moderately familiar of some concepts developed in UNIX networking, the School’s coverage about Cisco seems very piecemeal if not almost entirely ineffective beyond it representing a sort of “Tool Guide,” in all of the really shallow depth to which the same School ever addresses the material.

So, but certainly DeVry is nothing like Trump university?

Inasmuch as that the School has served to provide any manner of an albeit very costly introduction to a really small, limited number of concepts – all represented in a fundamentally superficial presentation at the school, throughout its programs – and the author of this article is of an impression, candidly, that a teacher’s own resume may  itself be of no real use to most if not all of the course’s students, the author of this article therefore – not as if to try to find a passing unicorn to hitch a ride with, to the Science Library – the author of this article considers that a “DIY” approach to academia may be most apropos, whether or not as a student or former student of a commercial farce of a University.

That even a commercial farce of a University may not be entirely without merit as the same institution providing at least an echo of scholastic methods apparently lost to some of contemporary academia, so it might be that it was not entirely a waste – I’ve learned about Ohm’s Law, and all the superficial things that would make for a great chat at a forum?

Topics in a short and immediate list of what the school does not address:  Predicate Logic; Propositional Logic; First-Order Logic; Differential Calculus; Linear Algebra; Gauss’, Faraday’s, and other practicing scientists’ theories at any depth beyond a diagram of a the mechanics of an electrical transformer; computer science; modern radio transmitter and radio receiver systems.

That the author of this article is not panicking about the gap between  (1) the superficial knowledge conveyed of that very costly school and (2) the depth of  further knowledge required for a safe and consistent application of such knowledge – as ever developed by a student as per the little trickle denoted of nr. 1 – the author of this article proposes to not go too far in illustrating such sense of concern, before observing what resources may be available that would mitigate such a concern, albeit in all ways external to the very costly School – viz a viz, alternatives such as a careful review and a corresponding study of texts at Safari Books Online – if not also or alternately, a study as may be developed in selection and review of texts as may available at or via book transfer via any more conventional manner of library .. so long as a library’s librarians are not all up in arms as if to gush about their own emotional anxieties in life, and to gush as so, to library patrons. The author of this article regrets one’s memory about such things.

How, though, can one propose to afford to study what the school has skipped, if while applying one’s limited knowledge of what little of a material world that a school has ever described, so far? How can one propose to depart from all the shallow, canonically  superficial scholardom of it, and candidly so? Maybe it takes  an – as perhaps a student of a philosophical circle might say – a “Leap of Faith.”

That even a “Leap of Faith” from a point A may not seem wise if one is not certain if there is a physical “Any place else” of a point B to arrive at, so maybe it does not need any manner of a single, perhaps cosmologically untenable if not immediately epic “Leap.” Maybe, a series of gradual “Leaps,” a sort of an incrementally epic “Leap,”  may be sufficient to proceed from point A to point B, thus, for B not being the same place as A. The analysis of intervals of an incrementally epic leap would be left as an exercise for “Some other time.”



Of a Long and Winding Road to a Study of Bitcoin Trade

That any significant investment may entail a significant amount of financial record keeping – with or without any single, distributed blockchain involved – at a scale of personal record keeping, the data of one’s financial records may take up a notably personal relevance. An example the homely checkbook – it may not even barely even begin to describe the breadth and depth of meaning to personal financial records – of every transaction, every debit and credit, and any sense of purpose, meaning, and application of personal financial capital – that it may not be even barely summarized of such a simple ledger as a checkbook. Regardless, the checkbook – in all its simplicity – a checkbook may serve as a simple keynote towards a broader topic, in all its abstraction and all its material form: Financial record keeping – of “Keeping Books,” so to speak.

That for all the by-in-large semantically independent nature of Bitcoin – or of any singular altcoin, such as Ethereum – for all of the principally independent nature of currency and capital of an exchangeable “Bit share,” in such a kind of commodity, moreover for all of the ostensibly anonymous data of blockchains as ledgers, perhaps it might seem as though the distributed, ostensibly anonymous, and principally independent nature of such commodities could serve to remove a sense of fiscal and personal responsibility from any person having any material ownership  of or making any material transactions with a cryptocurrency as a fiscal commodity?

Thus, perhaps the illicit trade conducted on Silk Road may’ve seemed “OK,” in any way, if it was not understood that Bitcoin – when applied as a commodity of material exchange – represents “Real capital,” to begin with – then applied in Silk Road for a real trade in illegal products? The shadow of it, as of the legal and social ramifications of Silk Road, it may seem to be something that a capital currency does not principally “Need,” but that it should be legally addressed once anyone insists on making an illicit market of it. Maybe it could seem to be “passed off,” though, as if it was not all a feature of the same society and same overall economy as in which so many modern reserve currencies are exchanged? If Bitcoin is in any ways “Different” as a manner of currency, that in itself may seem to add a novelty to it – but there may be some better ways in which it may be realistically differentiated from other currencies, rather than as if to apply it for sale and trade of any actually illegal goods and/or services. The Revolutionary Chic of it – certainly, it has a limit, too.

Returning to the topic of record-keeping – with only a short side note as to how the first Silk Road was ultimately foiled of its operations – so far as that one’s own Personal Books may seem to be a ledger of only a financial loss, perhaps it may not seem like an ideal topic to begin a  ‘blog article about. Not as though to venture too far into ad hominem mode, if there is a hope for the hapless capital individual in Bitcoin investing, it must need a cautious presentation however.

Thus, as for addressing the precautions of it, one may endeavor to not assume any manner of a “Too Fast” style of writing.
Clearly there is a place for “Keeping Books,” even in applications of Bitcoin and other blockchain-oriented altcoins – not only for the sake of keeping a review of capital outlays, but also for keeping a review of capital gains, as in parallel to any data presently collected “On the Blockchain”.

To an eager investor about Bitcoin, perhaps it might seem like somehow a distracting topic: “The Books” of it. It might seem as though to detract from the “Woo Factor,” moreover – and somehow substantially so – to so much as propose to keep a formal set of books about one’s own transactions with Bitcoin. After all, if  any of the Rothschilds of Bitcoin may seem as if to spend – so one may imagine – as if to spend as any whim would see fit, at any instance, so why not the rest of us – the rest of us persons who are holding any share of the currency? Even one µBTC is a share, as such.

At a small scale, candidly, it may not seem to have any of a quite as much “Woo,” per transaction. Thus there might not seem to be any much of an immersive “Buzz” for anyone to “Buzkill,” as with regards to any manner of personal record keeping about Bitcoin transactions, when one is transacting at a scale of very small volumes of Bitcoin as currency.

Inasmuch as that there may be a capital interpretation of Bitcoin, of course there may be more that one may capitally do with Bitcoin than to mine or spend it. The Bitcoin exchanges, thus – though entailing a great amount more of record-keeping – the Bitcoin exchanges – such as Kraken – may seem to serve as a manner of a “poor man’s alternative” for Bitcoin investment, juxtaposed to an investment in any massive-scale Bitcoin mining operations. Not as though a Bitcoin exchange would naturally make any limit about volumes of bitcoin, of itself, but insofar as it does not serve to “Shunt out” the small-scale investor, a Bitcoin exchange may present something like an ideal opportunity or small-scale or large-scale investment, with only a minimal financial risk for trades conducted at a small scale.

For  all of the novelty of a Bitcoin exchange, but also of the cautions of it, of course it may not be easy to write up a  short summary about the topic – least of all, to write an article about the exchanges and for perhaps any audience of the very socially volatile Cyberdiaspora web of The Modern Era.

One might not propose to call it either “Deep” or “Dark,” at that – candidly.


Towards an Overview about IPFW on FreeBSD, in an Application Entailing a Diagnosis about a “Deep Configuration Issue”

As principally a concept of philosophical schools, logic may serve in a role in numerous material vocations – such as in any number of legal domains, material vocational domains, and financial domains of vocational practices. Ostensibly, logic may also find a role in any number of more nuanced vocations, such as in prcactices of social sciences and in creative fields of the arts. It may seeem a trivial thing to denote, thus, that a sense of logic may be derived of the technically practical syntax and procedural semantics of any single network firewall configuration framework.

Presently, this article will diverge from the broadly philosophical view as to focus principally about the IPFW firewall architecture, as IPFW providing one available packet filtering interface on a typically built FreeBSD operating system. As the FreeBSD kernel provides a complete firewall architecture corresponding with OS kernel services that may be configured with the ‘ipfw’ shell command and other, corresponding shell command line utilities, this article will endeavor to provide albeit a broad topical overview about services architectures as corresponding immediately with the IPFW shell command line interface – herein, denoted as the IPFW CLI. In this article, albeit broadly, the IPFW architecture will be juxtaposed to the PF and IPF firewall frameworks, such that are also available – as in a manner of a parallel corespondenance to IPFW – in the canonical FreeBSD kernel.

In short synopsis, FreeBSD provides three distinct firewall architectures – such that a network systems administrator may select from, in any development of any number of individual network systems applications. Although it may seem, in a manner, modestly mystifying to a novice administrator, but in respects to the state of the art in FreeBSD kernel applications – such a diversity of firewall frameworks, in a single operating system – it may certainly permit for any manner of a scholastic survey of the individual firewall frameworks, thus available. All three of the individual firewall frameworks – as denoted – are documented in the FreeBSD handbook, such that may serve as a fortuitious manner of a “Starting Point,” for any scholastic review as such.

Administrators’ opinions may vary, as to the nuances of individual firewall designs and of corresponding firewall applications. In the opinions of the author of this article, PF – for instance – provides for a novel manner of a firewall scaling function, such that may be of some use for any number oc applications in rural wireless broadband internetworking – such as, in digital networks applying any manner of a commercial satellite internetworking service – if not also of use in some mobile-to-mobile (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) wireless networks. Specifically, the ‘high-latency’ option for PF firewall configuration provides a feature of a seemingly unique nature, across the proverbial “Gang of Three” of firewall architectures available on the FreeBSD OS. Certainly, this may not be the only unique feature that may be discovered of any scholastic survey of the FreeBSD firewall space. By only a small coincidence of geography, it occurs to the considerations of the author of this article, as so.

If in any instance of migrating a firewall configuration across any two of the three available firewall frameworks available in FreeBSD, perhaps any manner of a logical model of firewall services may be developed, as in a manner apropos to the task. As a a network firewall representing a manner of a feature of an operating system – broadly, as a feature of open source softwade systems – a firewall may be studied as a manner of a development onto a framework of packet-oriented communications networking. Thus, one may begin at the conventional OSI Seven Layer Model, such that may be studied as towards developing a manner of a principally vendor-neutral logical model. The OSI Seven Layer Model – broadly – as having developed as a feature of the “State of the Art,” in packet-switched networking services, the same model provides a manner of a normative domain-oriented view about network architectures.

Towards developing a depth of a detailed view, as to how the OSI Seven Layer Model is effectively reified in individual network systems architectures, of course one may begin at the simple characteristics of network media – whether of physical network media or wireless network media, and whether of electromagnetic wireless media or of any novel, if not experimental instances of optical wireless media. As such, the logical model could entail a definition of any number of commonly known digital network signaling protocols, if not towards a principally channel-oriented definition of network media. Thence, any number of software services may be defined to the model, such as begininng at the “Next lowest level” – such as viz a viz logical data types for network interface addressing and procedures of network address resolution in individual network topologies, viz token ring, star, or other topological models. Thence, the interface addresses may be represented in the model as for how those are effecitvely extended with any higher-level addressing schemes, at which point there are the “Lowest level” of network packet formats. Proceeding as to model a TCP/IP network, the model may then be developed as with regards to name resolution services, and thence, secure tunneling and data compression services. Lastly, the model may be extended as to represent each of the connectionless datagram models of UDP applications and the stateful message-oriented models of TCP applications, for how each may be finally realized in a network application protocol such as HTTP or IIOP.

Thus, perhaps it may be understood that any single concrete reification of the OSI Seven Layer Model – essentially, a topical model – may be non-trivial to develop as to any appreciable depth of concrete logical representation. Albeit as a manner of a principally orthogonal diversion from the parimary topical focus of this article, perhaps the outline presented in the previous paragraph may serve towards at least a broad overview of how the OSI Seven Layer Model is realized in any number of practical network systems applications.

As a network firewall effectively residing – in an abstract manner – residing in an application of the OSI Seven Layer Model, but the firewall itself must apply any number of concrete network services, such that would be available as services of any single operating system (OS) in which the respective firewall would be implemented. Thus, beside all of the semantic nature of the OSI Seven Layer Model, but a firewall is implemented as principally a software service in any single operating system. Returning attention, thus, from addressing the vendor-netural logical model – momentarily, avoiding any far detailed description of how the OSI Seven Layer model is effectively realized in FreeBSD – this article returns attention to a domain of computer operating systems, after a brief aside with regards to applications of operating systems. Certainly, no single OS model resides as though in a vacuum.

Any single vendor-neutral architectural model might not as well survive a transition to commercial marketing practices, once addressed into a domain of commercial software development. As with regards to a logical model of TCP/IP networking, perhaps some commercial software developments may serve to not obscure the nature of the underlying architecture – contrasted to any more intensively brand-oriented models, as in which any single concept of software as product may effectively serve to obscure any single of concept of software as a concretely logical construct. However, not every single commercial software product campaign may serve to inherently confuse the nature of software systems design.

Thus, there are the Microsoft products, the OS X products, and the products of so many lesser known commercially branded operating system sales programs, and then there are the architectures of the software products that those same sales programs may endeavor to derive any manner of a commercial capital about. There are also so many free/open source operating systems, ostensibly developed as independent of single capital sales and marketing programs.

In a manner semantically narrower than of any individual “Products Domain,” thus – more narrowly – any single manner of an “Applications Domain” may be observed, such as in a scholastic study of applications of computing services in human society. This article will not propose any single logical model of the latter – that the details of any single concrete, technical architecture may be tedious enough to describe, and that the logical if not creative semantics of any single socio-ethnographic model may seem no less demanding for its scholastic nature. Certainly, not all things of human society may devolve to a statistical oversimplification.

That it is in human society – broadly, thus – where computing systems are applied, of course so many applications of computing may not seem to devolve entirely to a statistical model of material capital. The author of this article proposes that the human nature of applications of computing may seem to be most apparent in a context of any single Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) computing environment – and that, as such, perhaps a SOHO LAN may not seem in all ways analogous to any corporate commercial server farm.

Thus, this article will be developed not as though to focus about the high-volume and no doubt very capital-intensive environment of any manner of a prototypical commercial network. Neither will this article endeavor to present any manner of a tourist’s view of commercial academia – the strange hybrid of marketing and scholarly discourse that develops as of the heavily marketed technologies of individual products developed in a context of computing.  Certainly, there was an era when computer systems were developed for not so much of a popular style, as much as for a scientifically reproducible state of the art – the veritable “Old Scrolls” of computer science might serve to provide something of a sense of context to that era. Perhaps it is an era not yet all or entirely lost to contemporary practitioners of product engineering and commercial systems development.

By now, this article has diverged to something of a semantic distance aside to the original topic, the IPFW architecture as a feature developed of the FreeBSD operating system. Not as though to abandon the original thesis concept, simply it may seem as though to trivialize the State of the Art, if any technical material about computing would be presented without a substantial sense of context, as towards a regard about the origins of the products therein applied.

So as to present the following overview beside a further sense of a contextual note as with regards to computer systems diagnostics: Though the marketing and the documentation developed about so many commercial products products may seem, in itself, somehow mystifying,  but if there may be any singular concrete sense of nature developed as about computer science, it may theoretically be possible to develop a logical model of any single computer software and hardware product – no matter the aim of the modeling task, and no matter for the depth of marketing about the respective product.  Thus, Microsoft Active Directory can be presented in albeit a “Buzkill” manner of view as it representing an amalgam of LDAP, DNS, optionally SQL, optionally Kerberos, and other existing network application protocols all completely described in open, accessible standards – up to the point in which the same protocols are implemented in the singular product, as such.

In a sense, a simple task of defining a logical model of a formal software system may serve – in a regards – towards developing a logical diagnosis of any feature of “Unexpected functionality” or lack of “Expected functionally” in the system thusly modeled. In that the modeling task, as such, may endeavor to develop a manner of a platform-agnostic view of the system being  modeled, perhaps it may at least serve to limit any bias of opinion about the model and its reification.

Firewall configuration – as a feature consolidated directly of the design of an operating system kernel – may not be subjected to as much standardization as so many platform-agnostic communication protocols, application data channel interfaces, and hardware forms yet developed to the modern domain of computing. Thus, this article may not suppose to contribute any manner of a structural perspective for international standards organizations. The simple concept of a “Vendor standard” manner of firewall implementation may have to suffice.

Not, then, as though to oversimplify the lateral development of the IPFW firewall architecture in FreeBSD, but to begin at a more practical note: The IPFW command line interface – though it is not all there that there is to the IPFW architecture – rather, the documentation about the IPFW command line interface – as towards a sense not only for firewall configuration definition, but also for diagnostics about firewall configurations – would be lost to this article, perhaps, if this article had begun as so:

In a personal review of my LAN’s present IPFW configuration, I can’t seem to figure out what in my LAN gateway’s IPFW configuration is resulting in some packets getting “lost” – as in any HTTP requests made on the LAN and without a proxy. The concrete nature of that issue, as I am presently seeing it, is that the packets are not being blocked by the firewall – that there is no any kind of a “Connection refused” message being produced to the unproxied HTTP requests, they’re simply resulting in timeout and varaibly “No route to host” (via ‘fetch’) or “Operation time out” (via curl) error messages. Therefore, I believe that the packets are being lost, and I believe that it may be a consequence of the firewall configuration.

The issue is not a very high-priority issue – I can still use HTTP services on the LAN, so long as those HTTP services are communicated through the HTTP proxy on the LAN. For some applications, however, that may not be sufficient. In a manner of a personal sense, I do not believe it is sufficient that I am unable to understand “Why?” as to the nature of the packet lost in unproxied HTTP requests, juxtaposed to the present configuration of the IPFW service on the LAN gateway appliance.

To diagnose this issue, I am not foremost interested in taking a popular scalpel to my LAN’s present IPFW configuration. Thus, I will not be addressing the issue to the forums. Personally, I am not even greatly worried about the issue – it does not serve to interfere with the LAN’s primary functional applications – but is a logical conundrum, moreover a manner of a practical “Show stopper” to some applications on the network.

The IPFW CLI, in itself, provides a manner of a shell-oriented application programming interface for firewall configuration management. On review of the manual page for IPFW, it becomes apparent that there are more topical features of IPFW than have been presented immediately in the practical introduction in the Handbook. This, then, is not a criticism of the FreeBSD handbook – rather, this is a simple effort in extending beyond the handbook’s own imminently practical domain of discourse, while endeavoring to diagnose, sole, and describe an albeit non-blocking issue presently being encountered with regards to my own LAN’s gateway firewall configuration.

Of course, this oblique style of writing would not be sufficient for addressing the matter to a task. If there may be a long-and-short introduction to a task of network systems diagnostics, perhaps this article may at least serve as a manner of a rhetorical overview about the matter. A description of the technical details of it may be begun in a separate article, shortly.

Android Development on Debian, Installation Notes

Android Studio on Debian

The Android Studio toolchain can be installed manually: Android Studio

Android Development Tools in Debian

Ed. note: The following Debian packaged tools are developed as extensions of the Eclipse IDE Rich Client Platform (RCP), which is applied by the Android Development Tools (ADT) toolchain. Though formally obsoleted by Google – in lieu of the newer Android Studio, such that extends of the IntelliJ IDEA platform and makes extensive use of Gradle for software development process automation – the original RCP ADT tools  may nonetheless serve in a utility role, in some Android development processes.

  • Package: androidsdk-ddms
  • Package: androidsdk-hierarchyviewer
  • Package: androidsdk-traceview
  • Package: androidsdk-uiautomatorviewer

Working with the Command Line

  • Package: android-tools-adb
  • Package: android-tools-fastboot
  • Package: android-tools-fsutils


  • Package: google-android-sdk-docs-installer
  • AndroidTools – Debian Wiki