Month: July 2016

Canon and Form – Concerning the Mathematics Proper, and a Commentary of Functional Shapes

As a student of an online college program in mathematics – now studying in the first week of courses, so my perspective of the course programs may be, in some ways, naive – I may feel in many ways glad to begin to study about mathematics, formally, but I don’t usually begin to write about topics that I’m in any ways glad about, of late.

In short, I would not wish to resemble the glib Web, and neither to adopt any excess of naivete in developing my own small perspective of the world. Though it may be uncommon, thus, to write with a sense of seriousness,  in writing for any manner of publishing online – and it not to be in presenting a political argument, though serious of tone – and though I may as well imagine that my own writing will never be accepted into any manner of a popular “Online Winners Circle,” thus, but it is of a style that I feel I should keep, in writing for publishing online.

Thus, although I might wish I could write anything  of a style as may appeal to any of the latest of the Bold Experts of the Trendy Trends – though I may hope as if I could ever produce anything, in writing, that might ever singularly capture the attentions of any of the Political Expedients, the Narrative Keepers, or the Cheerleaders in so many Online Instant Celebrity Forums – and though I may wish, even moreso, as if there was any single market for a Grain of Salt in Pop Literature, but – realistically – I may only be able to keep my own style of writing, in writing. This style, as such, does not leave any opportunity for indulgence, it does not permit for any grand “Blue sky” thinking, and it does not leave any place for exploit by the inevitable “Drive-by sharp shooter” in Internet Commentary.

If it is any kind of an evolved style, the reader may wish to speculate about how this style has evolved? Forever and ever, the reader may wish to speculate.

Point of Contention

Candidly, my main point of concern in beginning this article, this evening, is to address a matter of consideration with regards to some qualities of mathematics. However any qualities of mathematics may be represented in any single context – as whether in any expository regards, in any anecdotal regards, or in any context of programmed instruction program – but, as a student, I wish I could be more attentive about the qualities of mathematics, itself, as a discipline. Candidly, I do not wish to be too concerned about any qualities of the “Discussion Method,” except when that is the foremost topic that I find occurring to my own small attentions, in a course.

When a course is tedious, and when the content  of a course may seem a bit difficult to consider for any sense of relevance – though it may be to an unhappy situation, momentarily, yet it may not be altogether to a catastrophic phenomenon. If it may occur to any opportunity for a further consideration about the course – as in regards to the course’s content, as principally independent of any qualities of the presentation of the content – thus, it may not be so much as an academic catastrophe, let alone any kind of a personal emotional catastrophe. So, applying a simple manner of analytical sense about a course’s content, there may be a certain sense of resilience available to a student, even when the course itself is difficult to consider for its relevance.

Introducing the Mathematics Proper

Beyond any manner of the novelty of any individual mathematical forms, there is a by-in-large consistent body of literature establishing, in effect, the Mathematical Canon. Much as like with the – no doubt – fallible material sciences, the mathematical body of literature as such, it exists as that each work may expand on, refine, and/or refute the theses presented in any previous works. It is not, inasmuch, an anecdotal body of literature, though it may seem in ways philosophical – rather, that it is principally a technical literature, the literature of mathematics.

If it does not find a lot of coverage in any contemporary mathematics programs, perhaps that may be for that it may simply not appeal to any manner of a social ethic? The literary canon in which Mathematical Theory itself is developed, it may not offer a lot of a sense of novelty for presentation. Perhaps it may seem, in any ways, pedagogical to so much as discuss such a main body of work – as that it is not merely an object of whim, not any manner of a romantic folklore, and perhaps that it may not be in all ways exclusively represented in any single artistic expression. Perhaps the dry nature of the topic may be in any ways mitigated, however, with any singular commentary about the Great Celebrities of Mathematics and the environments in which they developed their works.

It being, as stated, not an anecdotal body of work, it may not seem apropos to present any manner of a singularly anecdotal reference to the body of work. Thus, this article itself is absent of any exact manner of bibliographical citation to the same. Perhaps it could seem as if that was only as to avoid any manner of an opinionated “Sharp Shooting,” online, as to whom is to be allowed to define the Canon of Mathematics, in any single Model of Narrative.

It is broadly as to avoid any speculations as may attend any anecdotal reference – the motive, in this instance, in avoiding any anecdotal reference to any singular work in the domain. As such, it might seem to subsume – in effect – the result: As that it may not permit for any manner of opinionated “Sharp shooting,” with regards to Mathematical Canon – as viz a viz when there is no singular object presented for the Opinionated Marksmen of the Internet, not in any anecdotal regards of Mathematics.

Thus, though this article may seem at risk of any excess of seriousness – such that, transitively, may not permit for this article to appeal to any excess of popularity – such that the author of this article has endeavored to address, previously in this article, as that such lack of populist appeal is not a lot of important, in this author’s own opinions – it is not without a sense of meaning to its lack of fun.

To Properly Regard a Question of Shapes of Functional Graphs

In regards to a Cartesian projection onto a Euclidean “Two Space”, a question of “How does a graph look?” it might seem in some ways naive, as a question.

For instance: Given a function of a single independent variable and a single dependent variable, both  represented in the Cartesian projection, then – from a manner of a sort of an analytical viewpoint –  perhaps it may in some ways benefit a student to have learned of a how a graph of the absolute value of the independent variable appears, visually – and it not be abandoned at any matter of the visual characteristics of the representation. If it may seem, in  any ways, an echo of any content that one may have studied in any manner of a public secondary school, perhaps it could seem fairly trivial – beyond any commentary, so.

If it may not seem so trivial, and yet not seeming very technically difficult, perhaps one might seem to run a risk of “Overthinking” about the matter, to even observe such  a concept in its occurrence: The shape of a mundane function of the absolute value of ‘x’ plotted as ‘f(x)’ – the geometric domain and range of such a function being fairly trivial to calculate, analytically – how could it be worth a whole article, in Internet Writing?

Perhaps, some articles may be written not so much as to produce any desired effect to the reader, as much as to develop a matter of consideration – as that it may not be merely a mundane graph, not only a graphical artifact, and not exclusively a mathematical novelty, simply: A mathematical function represented on a Cartesian plane – whether a function of the absolute value of ‘x’, or otherwise.

Thus, to an analytical perspective, there are the qualities of the domain and the range of the function – beyond any plain, rote tedium such as for calculating the “Y intercepts” of the function, and calculating the geometric “Slope” of any single linear form, in the function – whether or not as to develop any manner of a calculation, moreover, of the numeric minimum of the function, along any single axis in the Cartesian plane. Such topics, one might wish to believe, could all fit into a single week in a college course.

Not to criticize the teaching method, one has one’s opinions.

Principles of Web Authoring – An Outline

Principles of Web Authoring – An Outline

Ed. Note: The author’s goal – in developing the following outline – is to arrive, ideally, at a comfortable definition of “Web Authoring”, with the comfortable definition being defined with – ideally – some qualities of philosophical abstraction, of perceived accuracy in an estimate of the author’s own previous experiences in online media, and of a manner of academic objectivity as with regards to any manners of broader social, commercial, political, and/or practical theories.

  • Concept: Arbitrary Readers
    • Audience may be Implicitly “Unknown”
      • Personal Identities
      • Social Agendas
      • Perceived roles of “Audience Member” as”Stakeholder,” “Participant,” and/or “Audience”
    • “Other Authors” may or may not be “Known,” to any extent of perceived social and/or personal identity
    • A naive premise of a goal in web authoring: “Appeal to existing knowledge”
      • Contrast: Knowledge, ideas,meanings, and perceptions
        • Of readers
        • Of authors
      • Contrast:
        • Scientific knowledge
        • Anecdotal ideas
        • Perception, Whims, and Wishing
        • “Creative license”
    • Game Theory as an Abstraction of Social Interactions, On- and Offline
  • Concept: Arbitrary Interactions
    • Concept: Web as “Dialogue Space”
    • Concept: Web as “Social Space”
      • Concept: Social aspects of Online Interactions as effectively subsumed by aspects of the Social Spaces of Individual Actors in Online Dialogues
  • Definition: Content
    • Content as expression of style
    • Content as expression of information
    • Content and media – archival/bibliographical classifications of media resources
  • Concept: Content in Context
    • Definition: Mathematics as Abstraction – Whitehead
    • Technical content – e.g technical software documentation
    • Commercial content – broadly, “Marketing”
    • Academic content – e.g scholarly articles
    • Creative content – broadly, “Arts”
    • Concept: Logical abstraction of “Presented Content”
  • Concept: Agenda as a Service
    • Ideological Assumptions and Expressions in Online Content
      • Social and Personal Perceptions
      • Knowledge and Information
      • Ideological Aims
      • Prosperity and Practice
    • “Thought Leadering” [Concept]
      • Synonym: “Preaching”
      • Ideological Preconceptions of Authors and of Readers
      • Moral Assumptions and Moral Goals in Content Creation and Publishing – towards an arbitrary definition and/or perception of sense of social and/or individual morality
      • Ye Olde Propagandisch
      • Perceptions and Definitions of Social Class
        • Social Class as Material State
        • Social Class as Creative Expression
        • Social Class as Non-Thing
      • Nation States, Social Tribes, Cultures, and Folklore – towards an arbitrary characterization of Thematic Agendas in Social Structures
  • Concept: Commodification of Online Content Information
    • Data Mining as Institutional Practice
      • Lexical Analysis – Structures of Langauges
      • Ontology – Structural Definitions of Concepts, Categories of Concepts, and Conceptual Relations of Concepts
      • Institutions as Actors – Commercial and Noncommercial Institutions – Methods and Goals
    • Commodity-Oriented Analytical Models in Online Data Analysis – Definitions and Semantics
      • Commercial Advertising
      • Social/Political Analysis
      • Information Search and Retrieval
  • Concept: Web as a Publishing Service
    • Contrast: Web as a Marketing Service
    • Contrast: Web as a Dialogue Service
    • Contrast: Web as a Commercial Service
    • Contrast: Online Gaming

Business – a Thesis Outline

Thesis in Outline – for “the ultimate” in literal brevity

  • Business as Commercial Enterprise
    • Contrast: Academic Enterprise (including Arts)
    • Contrast: Government Enterprise
    • Context: Bureaucratic Categories
  • Academia at Intersection with Computing and Information Security
    • ARPANET – Participants Included
      • Ivy League Academia (Principal Participants)
      • BBN (Principal Participants)
      • MITRE (Principal Participants)
      • Computer manufacturers, circa [Event] The arrival of the “Traitorous Eight” to Silicon Valley
    • CHAOSNET (MIT) – Contrasted to emerging TCP/IP stack and corresponding standardization by commercial computer manufacturers.
      • Orthogonal Discussion: Distinguishable definitions of Schools of Philosophy in computer systems design – cf. Microprogramming, models of a Microprocessor as a Stack Machine, and broader mathematics (Linear Temporal Logic, Computational Tree Logic, other modal models of logic in theory and applications)
    • Emergence of standards agencies as corresponding to works of material stakeholders in Information Security practices – IETF, NIST, ITU-T
    • BBN subsequently acquired by Ratheon
    • MITRE a not-for-profit enterprise
  • Business as Market Phenomenon
    • Market Effects as ends, means, or incidental trends of partially observable economic systems
    • When Political Image Management and Commercial Image Management collude – Material Statism, juxtaposed to philosophies of Political Governance
    • P.T. Barnum’s Economic Studies – not as a misquote, neither as a matter of a competition about the presentation of a Cardiff Giant
    • Tribalism, Folklore, and Economic Theory – “When Social meets Business,” in a context of Perceived Prosperity
    • Sustainable Development – not a gilded goal, a principled premise for development of sustainable economic capacity, material commerce, and economic wellness
    • Alter-Concept: Statism of compulsively exploitative capital institutions – analogy to Thoreau’s Gold-Digger on a Horse
  • Capital Resources and Social Morality
  • Conclusion: Developing “DIY Success” in and/or Beyond an Exploitative State