Category: Tizen

A Rambling Introduction to a Linear Experience of Computing

Not as though to begin any more of the Web’s Favorite or Least Favorite brands of Identity Politics, Online, but rather as to entertain a simple rhetorical question: How to even begin to describe any of the adventures I’ve ever known and known personally about  UNIX computing? Where could I even start, about such a topic? If it may be in any ways a personal story, but as I am not so much a fan of vicarious descriptions of personal experience, I may not believe there is so much to say of it.

In a technical sense – in a very short synopsis – in regards to Linux operating systems, singularly, I’ve applied each of Slackware, Debian, SuSeDebian again, Ubuntu, and Debian again, for any appreciable duration at a desktop computer – OpenShift, for a short while, it is a kind of a  cloud-oriented Linux computing environment. There’s also Android, of course – an operating system developed on a Linux kernel – moreover a project as primarily sponsored by Google, secondly sponsored by individual Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) designers, beside  the Android Open Source Project. Then there’s Tizen, also –  something of a newer Linux operating system, as primarily sponsored by Samsung – and  the Maemo operating system, as was sponsored by Nokia.

Sometime in the duration of applying Linux on a desktop, I’ve also taken at least a topical look at QNX Momentics and the QNX Photon GUI, as was at a time when those were being made readily available for limited licensing on desktop personal computers. I’d say that I’m still impressed with the QNX Real Time Operating System (RTOS), but of course it’s not a free/open source software (FOSS) operating system. Perhaps it may not seem to permit for much of a sense of discussion, therefore, as in regards to all of the intellectual property presently invested in QNX.

Personally, I’ve yet to make any application of Solaris, but of course there is the Illumos OS family tree, however – to which, as perhaps a manner of a complimentary concept, there’s even an OpenSparc System on a Chip (SoC) project, developed in a manner of open access microcontroller design.

Not as though to indulge too far about any high-level concepts or low-level applications in regards to any singular contexts of computing,  but it may seem to be simply an ideal time in the history of the world as a duration in which one may endeavor to be a student of information sciences and computing.

This year,  personally – in by in large departing from a momentary study of the Cisco IOS operating system and its newest QNX baseline – I’ve begun to study the FreeBSD operating system. This week, moreover, I’ve begun to make an attention about the NetBSD pkgsrc framework – specifically, as with an interest in adapting pkgsrc for userspace software distribution on FreeBSD. This, of course, may not turn out to be too much of a trivial task – not as trivial of a task as its logical model may seem to suggest, in any single and immediate estimate – but it may well be “Worth it.”

So many applications of free/open source operating systems, and so many approaches in developing a concept of computing. It’s certainly a long ways away from tooling around with Tandy Deskmate, wouldn’t it seem?