Category: Social Trends

Of Memes, Conspiracies, and Countless Unknown Controversies, aside the “Student Debt Blues”

That the author of this article is feeling the “Student Debt Blues,” much as many other students may, but it’s not such a topic as the author may in any ways propose to make a “Group Sing” of. There are other, far warmer hymns that may be selected for caroling, via a viz Kumbaya“. What of the benefits of school, though?

That ostensibly, any school upholds – to any extent – a manner of an effective social contract as to convey any manner of knowledge over any duration of time applied in study, but one might wonder what manners of knowledge the contemporary academia yet deigns to convey of its institutions?

In proposing such questions, one might adopt a manner of a slow-going style of writing, lest the question be rushed to an inaccurate conclusion despite the discernible facts of the matter. If the resources of academia are or may be ever misappropriated for any single political agenda’s own private social engineering, it might become too easily to a narrow-going conspiracy theory. The development of such a thing – were it to be known to occur – and the analysis of proceedings in the development of such a state, in any logical manner of an approach to the provenance of it, it may not be so immediately arrived at – as not nearly as quickly as the inevitable “Instant Meme.”

Not as if to trivialize the nature of the Internet – in as that the Internet represents, in a real sense, a global and publicly accessible communications media – surely it’s not all for creating a “Meme-ography” of all the history of the world? The inevitable cliches of memes – those may ultimately serve as as disservice to scholastic sense, really, oversimplifying not only the information content of matters but also oversimplifying any interpretation of information content – so far as that there may be any manner of an information content discernible of any manner of media, moreover of all the media that may be publicly and privately accessible to any manner of an erstwhile Meme-consuming audience and “The Rest of the World,” too. That the Internet, as a communications media, does not occupy any manner of an island as if expressly unto itself – there are books, and there are books in print, among all kinds of the media of the world, including all of books in electronic and print formats, those known and those ostensibly yet to be discovered in all of contemporary and historic media.

So, of media resources alone, there may be any number of relevant activities that a person may elect as to to address oneself to, personally, other than to produce any more of the convenient, ostensibly “Cute,” and altogether oversimplified Memes. The cryptic memes, one may propose, may be all the more interesting for all of that “Broader Knowledge,” in the very real world.

If there may be a manner of any singular sense of Culture ever discerned of a media of Memes, perhaps it does not all derive directly to the Meme-tastic Soirees of the Dada arts regime in post-WWI Europe and New York City and their frontal maneuvers with regards to the Advertising of the early Consumerism. In and/or beyond any approaches to a gamification of the arts – as if – the real works of the Dada, as Artists, may also be available as “Known Objects,” in all of the information content of all the material world. There might be any number of a few biographies found about the Dada, also – ostensibly, available to the public in libraries developed about and in bookstores developed of Museums.

Thus, there may be a thesis of the nature of archival studies, in a manner of semantic correlation among Museums and Libraries. All of the modern shelves of modern products might not be made any less special for it – there are books about commercial mass production systems, also, and the very nature of commercial-industrial Control Theory. At that. a caution may be presented as to not mix it up too quickly with theories of and about Social Engineering, in the very real world.

Once beginning to address the theoretical foundations of a matter, it might seem unfair to simply skip out of it to produce any simplistic manner of technical discussion – simplistic, surely, juxtaposed to all the Bigger Picture and all the broader sky.

How, then, to begin to address a topic about Day Trading with Shares of any two or more of Currency and/or Capital kinds – aside to a topic about any number of tools and instruments as have been designed, developed, and applied of industrial telemetry, principally in systems of commercial mass production, in material manufacturing? Even at a correlation of switching theory, the material systems of industry may not become any more materially approximate to the social ramifications of economic systems.

For all of any manner of oversimplifications developed of Conspiracies and of Theories ostensibly about Conspiracies, a Grain of Salt.